Are all hazards identified and control measures communicated on your site?

The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 specifies that everyone has a duty to eliminate risks to health and safety, so far as is reasonably practicable; and if it is not reasonably practicable to eliminate risks, to isolate or minimise those risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

Hazard Identification Boards are an effective way to communicate all hazards and controls to employees and visitors entering your site. Their purpose is to clearly communicate important hazards on your site and steps taken to eliminate, isolate or minimise the hazard. 

Our Hazard Identification Boards are custom made to meet your specific site requirements. Below are some examples we have previously made for our customers.


Hazard Identification Board

PVC or ACM Sign custom made to your specific size requirements

Hazard Identification Board

PVC or ACM Sign custom made to your specific size requirements

Hazard Identification Board

PVC or ACM Sign custom made to your specific size requirements

Hazard Identification Board

PVC or ACM Sign custom made to your specific size requirements

Hazard Identification Board

PVC or ACM Sign custom made to your specific size requirements

Hazard Identification Board

PVC or ACM Sign custom made to your specific size requirements


Available on PVC or ACM, Hazard Identification Boards are available in the following sizes or custom made to the specific requirements.

800mm x 600mm | 1200mm x 800mm | 1500mm x 1200mm | 1800mm x 1200mm | 2400mm x 1200mm


Are all hazards identified and control measures communicated on your site?

All of our signs are printed with UV resistant ink offering outstanding long-term outdoor durability, scratch and chemical resistance. We then laminate to provide further protection and durability for a long lasting result